met val in town! we saw couples everywhere.. both of us look so ke lian ne lol. we walked arnd with no sense of direction and destination in orchard area and this is some what the flow:
cineleisure -> hereens -> walked all the way to Far East **cheesy chicken!** -> walked all the way back to heerens -> cineleisure
the flow somehow looks like an xml doc =X
*sorry just finish my examinations*

*bought this at far east. mine's a star & this 1 is for monty ^-^ *
walao e malay/philippino aunty at e cheezy chicken store damn funny lahhhh! cant stop laughing after she called val's name **PENGZZ** but i cant really describe it here cuz i think val ll kill me if i did so. e aunty was like was like "Ba-XXX-XXX~~~" with the do-re-mi tone plus accending pitch! really super funny!!!

* 伟大的红苹果, 死亡笔记里的重量级配角. *
val says she love this photo cuz she LOOKS taller den me so i posted it up =p e 1 i like she say she looks weird in it.. shuai bian lah haiz.. this 1 also not bad cuz she really looks like mummy and i'm her daughter =X

*an ugly pic. sorry i've tried my best to edit but still...*
think i'm really a water-pail (direct translation). i refilled my water bottle (750ml), bought a cup of bubble tea, bought a cup of ice lemon tea and i'm now drinking some more water!
met up with monty after that to pass her e pin n took e super ugly photo above (sounds so bo liao right??).. my hp's camera cmi.
i really dunno wat to do for e rest of e days le. find a job?? not now. CNY comming + performances. think i ll find a part time job 1st. got to think properly & save some $$ 1st before i really joins the working world.. im in total lost -.-
Thursday, February 15, 2007

yeah right. the examination hall. was sitting at my desk waiting for e command to to get off the place and suddenly i feel the urge to take a picture of e hall cuz it'll most probably be e last exam in my life *which i think is impossible* =X
the paper sucks! wrote rubbish in 1 of e 30 marks qsn. and i left 2 qsns blank (6 marks each). but nvm, think edmund leng wont be stupid until fail 70% of his class. MODERATE!!
oh yah. e female lec very funny loh. below is what she said thru e microphone
female lec: "Alright. Stop writting. Time's up, and Happy Valentine's Day."
me " ... ... ... ... -_____________- "
worst or best Valentines' gift ever from NYP? examination + last day of sch.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
wasabi mochi

jas gave this to me a few weeks ago. dun ask me how it taste like. wat i can say is mochi with wasabi fillings. quite a weird taste :p but still ok for me lah cuz i like wasabi ma ^^ by e way, i bite too much and my brain nearly paralyze lol..
Thursday, February 08, 2007
omg i saw this 1/4 page of KTV advert last night while reading the chinese newspaper. super er xin can. really looks damn alike. some more e gal (??) got no chest (flat!). maybe they took this photoshopped pic from some websites lol..
Thursday, February 08, 2007
to u
i guess u really need a lot of courage to tell me abt it. and i'm glad that u told me cuz i can really feel that u trust me. but its just too hard for me to accept it.
actually i'm really very scared that u will do it again after u read my post, and what if it goes deeper and deeper since u cant feel e pain at all?? i really cannot imagine it. but i'm sure u noe that its not good to hurt ur body that your mother gave u?? and thats y u dun wanna let her noe right?? i'm sure no 1 can really stop u if u really wan to do it and that wat i'm really afraid of.
to tell u e truth, u are not alone. i did it to myself once b4 when i was in lower sec after my grandfather passed away, plus other stuff that was gg on at that time. and e best part is i also cant feel e pain at all. but i somehow stopped.. and i really regret what i did to myself. hard to believe??
i've never tell this to anybody before. u r e 1st to noe. i'm same as u, i dun talk to anyone abt my problems.
i cried becuz i saw myself in u.. cuz i can really feel the "no 1 can help. only i can help myself." that kind of feeling in u.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
to someone
i'm really very dissappointed in u. i feel so stupid to cry for someone so stubborn like u. y do i need to feel so sad for u when u hurt yourself without feeling e pain at all?? i'm telling u now that hurting yourself is not, yes NOT the only way to solve the problem! u never even try, or shld i say try hard enough to find another way to solve ur problem.
yes i might not understand how u r feeling now, cuz i've never hurt myself b4. but pls think about the ppl arnd u. i've also gone thru what u have gone thru abt ur *****-******. i'm close to mine too just that e word is not a 'M' but a 'F'. and i'm telling u now that the process for me is 3 yrs *b4* he is gone and i got to cope with my PSLE at that time. just imagine my life after that.
sometimes i really dun understand u at all. cuz u wont except a single word that i told u.
no use for me to continue typing. pls try hard to stop that habit. i noe its hard but u managed to stop it once b4 remember?? i wan to remind u that u promised me that u will try ur best to stop that habit.
i'm pretty sure that u will definately read this. just wanna let u noe that i really care for u, and pls stop saying sorry to me ever again. and if u think wat u r doing now is right, den i will join u.
i rather u dun tell me the truth.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
f*ck off
whats wrong with me using my own money to get my phone done?? just stop nagging and nagging. u think i wan this to happen?? imagine that u r in my situation, i dun think u will use e phone at all. u agreed when i tell u that im gg to get my phone done, and now u r like talking rubbish.
a bunch of irritating ppl.
Friday, February 02, 2007
never ending projects
i really hate this mobile thingy. super mafan + laggy. stupid dumb thing 128px*128px only. plus cant display even a more complex code and my images r always flying around. siannn!!! now i cant even insert into database!! ($*#)&@$&@*
Thursday, February 01, 2007